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Photo of vladimir cuadros cabrera Peru

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One autumn day in the city of Ayacucho huamanga, shortly before midnight on the day wings 30.11 May 21, 1980 exactly, born Vladimir cabrera pictures within a humble family who end up in the breakdown. His early years with his grandmother would practically up to 14 years of age, with the fifth house he shared...

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One autumn day in the city of Ayacucho huamanga, shortly before midnight on the day wings 30.11 May 21, 1980 exactly, born Vladimir cabrera pictures within a humble family who end up in the breakdown. His early years with his grandmother would practically up to 14 years of age, with the fifth house he shared with a good number of families and thus a good number of children. The absence of his parents was the reason for its progressive absorption that was revitalized by the absence, now neighbors. A proof of this behavior is tight sketchbook that I accompany him during his childhood in which plotted to God and nature as a means of comfort and companionship. Was Clearly then the interest in art and reading that govern today. He was one of his uncles who had a decisive influence in this regard. Rebellious spirit, the young Vladimir, 14, seeks to get rid of the gaps that overwhelmed him, so he travels to puquio-aucara, cabana southern land of the chronicler Guaman Poma de Ayala accompanying a Catholic priest, shortly after pass away. Finding himself alone and handed to life in the countryside, its inhabitants and magnificent nature, takes on the sensitivity with which it operates today in art and the love of simple life. But the return to Huamanga led him to opt for the university in chemical engineering year, 1999, after finishing high school in the city of Huaral the añode1997. Leave the university as well as parental support for their love of art, love that led him to conclude five years of study at the college of fine arts school that would be a disappointment at the low level of education, and a success to have found in their classrooms talented people and respect between teachers and students. His interest in the problems

of mankind, leads him to be a member of the (JOC) and participate in national meetings where topics of the problems of young workers and fter an exchange GERMANY-PERU, 2005, and a visit to Germany-PERU 2007, reaching also to Spain, mainly includes museums where the works of the great masters of painting, sculpture and architecture that it had known the experience of an exhibition by the artist's own ayacuchano Horacio Hurtado, which was conducted personal vi in the city of Ayacucho in January 2007 entitled "THE END OF OUR PEOPLE" unquy quillqay Project (stroke patient) of the tribe Maderaazul.

Today, 27 years old, works in his home and studio in the city of Ayacucho, where he also

live with their parents and siblings, and which also forms the Maderaazul tribe, a group of young people and children by the nature of culture and art. I said.

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